Thursday, December 1, 2011


Dear people of Walmart, thank you for hours of entertainment.  Little boy not watching where you are going, there is a wall there.  Old lady with the scarf around your face, no I dont have a club card and no I cant smell the pig farms today.  Old man from the bus, yes I was here yesterday, and last week, and at copps.  Person that talked to me last week and I dont remember, of course I sleep here.  Random teenager, I'm glad I am not the only one who sings "If I only had a brain".  Old man, please, PLEASE pull up you pants!!!  Little child, am I really that scary???  Embarrassed son, dont worry, your Dad is just being funny and trying to embarras you, he doesnt really want to take me home.  Creepy man at Copps, I do not believe you are twenty, and do not want to be friends or anything else.  Woman stalking by, I apologize if my smile offended you.  Everyone: hello, merry christmas, no its not too cold, yes I am freezing, thank you, have a nice night.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

little white stalker car

so. just to clarify, i am posting this from a phone, so thats why there is a lack of punctuation and capitolization throughout this post. its just easier this way.

k, funny random weird story.  as u prolly know, ive been ringing bells at walmart for the salvation army.  lots of fun people, creepy old men, crabby women, and cute boys.  theres a white car we, mom and i, see a lot. it has there blue lights under it and a person stickered to the back window and a broken bumper.  basically, its rather unique.  we see it all the time, and then last saturday we were out driving and happened to pull up next to it. there were young cocky guys driving it, so naturally my mother had to beat their a$$ in a race.  we parted ways, went home, blah blah blah.

monday, i see the car pull up at walmart and when they come through my door, i stop and ask if they own the little white car with the blue lights.  they stop and say yeah, i tell them i was in the charger that beat them saturday, we part ways again.  end of story? no.  last night, tuesday night, i come home to find their car parked in front of my house.  talk about creepy. i immediately called mom and ask if she had invited them over or something crazy, shes as clueless as me.   after a bit of freaking out, we decided that the right thing to do is leave a note on their car reading: what the h are you doing in my driveway?! signed, the charger that kicked your a$$.  i kinda hope we see them at walmart again sometime, see if they got our note :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

zero to six-million billion star rating system

Because I have this bad habit of wasting my money watching movies in the theater instead of being patient and waiting for them to come out on DVD, I decided to come up with my own rating system.

Zero Stars:  I wish I hadn't seen it.  My life would be so much better could I go back in time and un-see it.  If it is suggested even on DVD, I would rather go sit in the other room and not watch it.

One Star: I regret paying to see it.  I'd watch it on DVD, but it was a waste of nine bucks in the theater. I would'nt even go watch it again if someone else paid for it.

Two Stars:  Should have just waited for the DVD.  I'd watch it again after like six months, not in the theater though.

Three Stars:  It was okay, I guess.  I'd see it again if someone else paid for it, but definately not the same weekend or anything.

Four Stars:  Liked it, it was good, glad I went.  I'd let someone else pay for me to see it, maybe even the next night.

Five Stars:  Awesome.  Loved it.  I'd pay to see it twice.

Six-million Billion Stars:  Best Movie EVER.  I'd pay to see it like three times, or twice in one day!  I'll buy it as soon as its on DVD!!!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011


So I'm leaving shortly to go to this Pie Social thing.  Basically, all the students are supposed to bring a homemade pie for a pie contest.  The contest is just bribing people to bring pie, because then we have more pie and pie is awesome.  My delema?  I cheated.  Yes, I have to confess it.  I can't go on living knowing that I cheated and didn't tell anyone.  I bought pie crust in a tin container thing.  I bought pumpkin pie filling.  This is definately cheating.  I have not met expectations.  What I should have done is found out how to make the crust, and how to make the filling.  I should have carved a pumpkin and gutted it, and made my own filling.  But I have not done this, and I have failed.  Hopefully I won't fail in my other requirements.  Along with the pie, I have to bring Rope, Metallic Markers, Whipped Cream in a can (aka SCHHHHHHH), and glowsticks.  If I bring enough of these, will my failure to make a pie entirely from scratch be overlooked??

Saturday, October 1, 2011

First time for everything...

For the first time in forever (I'm pretty sure its forever...I don't remember this happening ever before), I have sat down and clicked "New Post" and not known what to write.  I just stared at the blank screen, not writing.  I think the reason I wanted to write is because I've been wanting to write in my story, which is three hundred miles away at home, on my computer.  I'm at camp, pausing between dishes to sit on here.  I've been wishing I had brought a notebook all weekend.  Maybe its a writer thing, but I feel lost without a notebook.  I just have these thoughts and I want to write them down so I won't forget to put them into story format later, but there isn't a blank notebook in sight!  It's rather frustrating.  And since I don't know what to write, I suppose this can be one of those blogs that is just talkign about whats happened.
I nearly had to get up in the middle of the night and take a shift walking a collicking horse last night, but she pooped (thats a good thing!) so we thought she was going to be alright and our shift wasn't necessary.  This morning, however, she turned out to not be alright and the vet is coming out to look at her.  She is in clear pain, which is sad.  At the same time, we had to say goodbye to Diamond (and hello to a new horse!!) who has been at camp since the ranch first started.  Now Odie is the last horse of the original eight.  New horse seems very calm, and while his name is Walter, we aren't sure how we feel about that.
Okay, I suppose I have satisfied a small part of my writing urge, even though I don't know what to write, and still wish I had a notebook!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Swedish Grammar

this post in nothing but pics. except to say that its nothing but pics...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So I'm sitting at the library right now, using the computer in the young adult reading area.  In front of me is a sign that says "Ha! at your library"......I don't get it.  Maybe you do, any ideas?  Are they telling me to laugh, because I'm at the library?  That wouldn't be good, libraries are quiet places.  Maybe they are saying to laugh at my library, which also makes no sense.  Why laugh at something they want me to love?  Which I do (love, not laugh at).  The only other option I can think of besides a misprint that they just ran with, is that it stands for something.  Hey All! or Happy Achievements!  or something.... Hello apple!

I don't know... I just don't know....

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Drop Everything And Read.... also titled: I get to see my true love

Is it true love if you are really tired and then think of them and can't fall asleep because all you can do is think of them?  Is it true love if they are 300 miles away but you can't wait to see them?  Is it true love if you plan your future around them?  Is it true love if you only want to be where they are?  Is it true love if you had to pay to be around them, you would do it?  If it is, then I have found my true love.  I wonder, would Lake Ellen Camp accept a request on facebook if I said I wanted to be in a relationship with them?

The other night... two nights ago I think.... I was super tired and ready to sleep.  AND THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remembered.  I remembered that on Friday, I get to go to camp.  Then I couldn't sleep because I was so excited.  I'm still trying to work out going the next week after that as well...and then at the end of the month too.  Yeah, I'm super excited.

On another note, I spent another night reading. Back up.  I will start with afternoon. No, morning.  I got up at 8:30 or 9:00 maybe, and cleaned the house.  Vacuumed,  dusted, cleaned the bathrooms, the works.  Then I ate lunch and played some Twilight Princess.  When Dad came home, he asked if I'd like to go to C-group at the Swanson's.  Feeling like being social was a good idea, I decided to go with him.  We arrived, seeing only one other vehicle.  At that point, Dad said he "hoped they still were having it".  Oh great, he didn't even know whether or not it was on Tuesdays, or if it was canceled or not.  We went to the door anyways, where Jim answered and informed us that it WAS on Tuesday nights.  However, they hadn't had it for a few weeks, and it wasn't going on this week.  He invited us in anyways and we talked for a while before letting them get back to their business.

After that little escapade, we went shopping in town.  I got a book at Target (Last Sacrifice) and we didn't get home until about 8:00.  So, not wanting to wait til tomorrow to read my new book, I heated some rice bags and started it....and finished it.  At about...say.... 4AM?  It really was a good book, and I do not regret it because honestly?  I love staying up until absurd hours reading.  Its soooo much better than staying up watching TV or anything like that.

Long story short, I stayed up reading and it was awesome.  Slept til 11:00, but still.  Books=Cool.

Monday, September 5, 2011

I have the power of the cheese

Conversations often go off on rabbit trails. You can go from Fishing to Lakes to Swimming to Sunburn to Bugspray to Spiders, etc.  Sometimes you can find your own rabbit trails.  This is the Wikipedia game.  You start with thinking of a page you have to get to.  Mine will be "Spades" since that's what game is being played right now.  You have to start by clicking "Random Article" and get to "spades" by only clicking on links.  I'll record my rabbit trail for you.

Random Article
Rebecca Alpert
Golf (disambiguation)
Golf (card game)

Conversations are similar.  It keeps the conversations interesting, but a rabbit trail isn't always a good thing.  It can be very distracting, and I for one am very prone for forgetting what I'm supposed to be talking about.  I do it in my blogs too.  The other day I randomly remembered my netflix, and was supposed to fix it.  I didn't fix for a few days still because I forgot again.  But don't worry, its in the mail and on its way to Madison.  See, there was another Rabbit Trail!!  I wonder who came up with the term rabbit trail.  Some hunter who was tracking a different animal trail and kept coming upon rabbit trails and they got him so lost he didn't know where he had started and just kept finding more and more rabbit trails??!!!  Probably not. But its a theory.  Speaking of which, I think my dad and grandpa got lost today in the woods.  Surprise, surprise.  Can't send them anywhere by themselves, can we?  Guess I'll let you know where they ended up,if they ever return to tell the tale!
By the way, did know that this document has 300ish words in it? How Neat is That?!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Our adventure started out rather smoothly.  We drove to our starting point, unloaded our water vessels, and waited for the Guides to arrange our returning transportation.  After catching a few frogs and playing with some Touchmenots, we set out.  Tom, Haley, and Matthew were in a canoe, Josh and Becca were in one, and John and I were in our own individual kyaks.  It wasn't a wild river, it was actually really calm.  It wasn't long until we were slowly making our way through a thick forest of lilypads.  It was difficult work, like rowing through mud.  Occasionally they thinned out, but for the most part it was very thick.  Finally, we reached our lunch spot.  We stopped at part of some camp, using their picnic table and outhouse.  After nearly stepping in bear poop, finding someone's underwear in the toilet, and almost getting caterpillar diseases, we headed towards the lake.  It was a large lake, and we were starting to get tired.  We got direction from some people in a boat, then headed to the river.  It was more of a creek.  A narrow, shallow creek, that steadily grew more narrow and more shallow and more buggy and mucky.  Soon it was almsot too thick to manuveur.  We were sure we'd come the wrong way, since we were traveling upstream now.  Tom and John, our guides, got out and went towards the sound of the road to see if they knew where we were.  I switche spots with Haley and we waited for them.  It couldn't have gotten any worse--that is, until it started raining.  Our guides came back, nearly getting sucked under the muck, and we started to head back the way we'd come.  We still weren't sure where we were.  It started to thunder, so we pulled off shore and headed up towards the road they'd found.  Tom, Haley, and I walked up to a cabin and asked for directions.  We found out we had gone in the completely wrong direction, heading East instead of West when we first got to the lake.  We thanked them and returned to our troop.  A decision was made:  our Guides would leave us, going alone back to the truck.  We waited for them, entertaining each other with tricky mind games.  It seemed like hours before they returned to rescue us.  We were hungry, thirsty, wet, cold and tired.  We loaded our canoes and kyaks and piled into our vehicles and returned home.  All in all, it was a great adventure, and we would do it again.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

An Army of Locusts

A few posts ago, I promised this passage, so here it is!

 Blow the trumpet in Zion;
   sound the alarm on my holy hill.
   Let all who live in the land tremble,
   for the day of the LORD is coming.
It is close at hand—
 2 a day of darkness and gloom,
   a day of clouds and blackness.
Like dawn spreading across the mountains
   a large and mighty army comes,
such as never was in ancient times
   nor ever will be in ages to come.
 3 Before them fire devours,
   behind them a flame blazes.
Before them the land is like the garden of Eden,
   behind them, a desert waste—
   nothing escapes them.
4 They have the appearance of horses;
   they gallop along like cavalry.
5 With a noise like that of chariots
   they leap over the mountaintops,
like a crackling fire consuming stubble,
   like a mighty army drawn up for battle.
 6 At the sight of them, nations are in anguish;
   every face turns pale.
7 They charge like warriors;
   they scale walls like soldiers.
They all march in line,
   not swerving from their course.
8 They do not jostle each other;
   each marches straight ahead.
They plunge through defenses
   without breaking ranks.
9 They rush upon the city;
   they run along the wall.
They climb into the houses;
   like thieves they enter through the windows.
 10 Before them the earth shakes,
   the heavens tremble,
the sun and moon are darkened,
   and the stars no longer shine.
11 The LORD thunders
   at the head of his army;
his forces are beyond number,
   and mighty is the army that obeys his command.
The day of the LORD is great;
   it is dreadful.
   Who can endure it?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

FREE stuff for YOU!!

Since I returned from the wonderful world of Lake Ellen last Tuesday (the 16th I think it was..), I have yet to spend a full day at home.  While this is good in the sense that I'm keeping busy, it would be nice to have a day where I don't have to be going somewhere or coming home from somewhere.  Unless its camp, I'll go to camp any day.  So long as I never have to come back, that is.  Well, maybe to visit.  But anyways, its been busy.  I've spent the last few days at Trout Lake, near Minocqua WI, camping with family and friends.  Its always fun- georgeous sunsets, campfires, walks to the beach to stargaze, and of course lots of laughs and games and great food.

Now that I'm home, I'm gonna have to figure out an attack plan on how to see all the people I haven't seen since May or June.  At least I can accomplish a few at church tomorrow.  I haven't been to church in over a month, which I know, its absurd.  And I haven't been to MY church since May!  Or Youth Group, which has changed names apparently?  Still don't know what I'm going to do about that- not the name change part, the going to youth group part.  They are having it twice a week, so not only will I have to pick a day, I'll have to make it fit into my schedule and probably have to pay for gas (bleh!).  Gas is gross.  Oh well.

Oh hey, did I mention we have kittens? Four of them, super cute.  Two tabby, one tabby with white feet, and one really cool tabby and black and white one.  Hope they all make it.  They are super popular, so if you order one now, I'll give you a deal and you can have it twice as free than if you order when they are ready to go!  CRAZY DEAL RIGHT!?!?!?!  This offer won't last long, so be the first in your home to get one!  They're cute!  They're tiny!  They're what every home needs!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Peter the Purple People-Eater

HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!  Today, I finally finally FINALLY got my liscense!!!  First try, no fails on my record, WOOT WOOT!!!!!  I also got a Debit Card, which is supposed to come in the mail within a week.  Oh, random side fact of information that is interesting but unimportant:  someone blew up my mailbox.  Yep, stuck firecrackers in it on the 4th of July and KAPOWWWW blew it up.  Along with my netflix disk which I totally forgot I'm supposed to be on their site telling them about it, thanks for reminding me!  Back to previous conversation...topic...stuff.  Along with liscense and Debit Card, I am also in charge of carrying around a cellphone (I know, oh the responsibility) which does not have texting YET but soon will.   AND to add to the list of fortunate events, I will be buying our car.
Our car, MY car, is a seven, almost eight year old plum colored Impala.  I have decided to name him Peter, the Purple People-Eater.  Most peaople (notice I spelt People wrong, cuz I keep trying to spell in peAople, and decided to leave it and then mention it here) hear that and say "wait, its purple, doesn't that make it a girl?" but no it doesn't, because puprle is a royal color, and girls are crabby.
Okay, I'm nearly falling alseep as I right this.  Not cuz its boring.  Just cuz I'm super tired.  I don't know why, maybe because I didn't sleep well and had to get up  at eight today.  Who knows.  Either way, this is the end.  There is no more.  Zilch.  Nada. None.  Nil. Nix. Bye.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Life According to Mer with Paul's Help

FINALLY!!!!! I finally got my Road Test Scheduled!  so by September, I will hopefully have my license!  Yayyy!!!!!  Should be interesting, seeing as I haven't driven all summer, but I'm sure it will be fine.  Then I'll just need a job and a car and a boyfriend.  Jk about the boyfriend, I don't need one of those.  So there are lots of things I'm excited for.  Road Test.  Skillet Concert in November.  So even though there are two weeks of camp left, and I don't wanna go home because I love it here, I kinda wanna go home.  Not too much.  Its more that I want to stay, but I'm okay with going home.

Oh!  We went to a Rodeo last weekend, and I rode a mechanical bull, which was harder than I had expected, but I stayed on for a minute and some.  that was cool.  it was pretty interesting, but I wish there had been more speed games.  Oh well.  Life goes on.

Sorry I haven't posted.  I know, i know, I say that all the time.  But I've been sooooo busy.  Working, sleeping, chilling.  Or right now I'm sitting in the staff lounge writing this and listening to Grant sing 321 Penguins.  We had a veggie Tale marathon party thing too which I pretty much missed except for the Applepies one...I Can be Your Friend (la la la la).  Exciting Stuff.

My my look at the time.  I gotta go.  hasta lavista.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Long Time No See

Dearest Life According To Mer Blog:

I apologize sincerely for abandoning you.  It is not that i have forgotten, or don't love you, or wanted to abandon you.  It is only that I have been busy beyond all reason.  now I actually have some time and there is no one waiting for the computer.  It has been dreadfully hot this week, and sadly it won't be getting much better.  I hope you haven't missed me as much as much as I miss you, because its nearly unbearable!!  Camp has been great, I've had lots of opportunities to grow!  I was going to give you a passage I really like, but sadly this computer is blocking all the online bibles.  Which is ironic, since I'm at Bible Camp.  So you can find it yourself!  Its Joel 2:1-11.  Please read, its really really awesome.  maybe i'll post it later.  Okay, I have to go to Chapel now!!!

With love;
Yours Truly,


Saturday, July 9, 2011


1.  If Rack, Shack, and Benny would have burned, what would Moses have said?

2.  If Pete and Repete are in a boat, and Pete falls out, who is left?

3.  If 1+1 is 2, what is 2+2?

4.  Why did Columbus sail in 1492?

So, these are just a few questions.  I doubt you know the answer.  You probably think you know it, but you're probably wrong.  And you're probably wrong because you aren't the sharpest bulb in the place where they keep the apples.  Also, sorry its been FOREVER.  First weekend that I have time to actually relax and blog.  its been going good, just spent a week up at northpoint on a pack and trail.  Lots of water pumping and bucket hauling and weight lifting.  Its awesome!!!!!  And now I have to go to Mary's for a movie and popcorn!!! (I know, you're thinking "have to go? don't you want to?"  yes, I want to, but I also have to.  its not optional.  if I don't, you probably wouldn't ever read another post from me, because something bad would probably happen to me.  I t would most likely involve rope, chairs, and incinerators.)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Hidden Power

Socks are an interesting thing.  Most people don't really think about it when they put on their socks in the morning.  Of course, most people don't realize the power of socks.

Little known is the fact that socks are the key to teleportation.  By themselves, they will even rarely find themselves teleporting between dryers.  Teleportation is, however, a genetic ability, so only some people are able to tap into the power of the sock.

Socks are a huge source of energy.  A pair of two boring white ankle socks is a poor combination for that energy.  The larger the sock, and the brighter, the more energy it can hold.  Thats why my socks never match.  The right combination of two knee-high,brightly colored socks helps me teleport.  Now, all teleporters have their weaknesses. I know of some who can't teleport off-planet.  I can't teleport if the weather isn't good.

Most people know my socks don't match.  I always have to nod and say "Yes, I know, but they coordinate."  An example is that I will wear one neon green zebra striped sock with a sock that looks like a converse shoe with neon green, red, and yellow laces.  Or red stripes with a green stripes.

So now you know the reason behind my miss-matched socks.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The small town of Salem

I am currently playing "Mafia" which if you don't know what that is you should ask someone else so I don't have to explain.  Most people have played it.  We are in the staff lounge at LEC (Lake Ellen Camp) playing mafia.  I was originally the narrator, then a townsperson.  While narrator I froze Mary in a barrel of ice.  Technically it was Becky who did it since she was Mafia, but I came up with the story.  Now we are going to play Telephone Pictionary.  Again, I don't want to explain.

Also, this week we have been working on vaulting on horseback.  its really awesome.  Basically, its gymnastics on horseback.  I know, you're jealous and think thats insane!  We haven't actually done anything on the horses, just on our vaulting barrel named, The blue Roan.

so, I guess I don't really feel like blogging at this second.  Maybe in a bit.  Like a few days.  Okay.  I have to go play and be social. Ha. Inside joke. ha. ha .ha.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

LEC week one

So its been a very long time since my last post.  SORRY!  I didn't mean for that, it just happened.  My Dad canceled our internet, so then I had to wait til I was at camp to use internet, and now that I'm at camp there wasn't any computers I could with internet.  I  am actually using Mary's laptop in the office right now.

so lots has happened.   TJ had his grad party, and hasn't left for San Diego yet.  And of course I'm at camp!!! It took a little skill to get all of our stuff into Becca's car, but it did all fit eventually.  I naturally forgot a lot of my hairbrush.  I had to buy a new one.  There was also a belt that I had planned to wear but ended up wearing shorts instead so I forgot that, which isn't terrible because I have seven other belts.

This last week was long and short at the same time.  It was really hot for a lot of it, but then it was like 50 degrees yesterday and the day before.  And today its like 70 or less.  Also, getting up at seven or seven thirty is not exactly fun seeing as I hate morning.  We went bowling on Wednesday night which was lots of fun.  I have no idea what my score was, but it was fun.  Bowling usually is.  And on Thursday night (yes, I know you aren't supposed to start a sentence with 'and' but I don't care) we went to the Peterson's house and had pizza.  Outside it was SUPER buggy so we went inside.  After a little while we started a game of four men on the couch.  Which went ON, and ON, and ON.  I thinking it ended up being 2.5 hours.

Okay, I have no more that I can think of to say right now.  So all of you who have forgotten about me and my blog, this is all you get.  From now on I will try and blog more frequently.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Eyes of an Elf

The following is a bit of writing my friend, Teagn King, wrote.  I liked it and wanted to share it.

The Eyes of an Elf
I coughed, my breathe became a cloud in the cold air of the dungeon. I shivered. My worn woolen shawl did nothing against the bitter wind that found its way through the cracks in walls of my cell. The chains seemed to have frozen in place where they held my ankles in their icy grasp. My cup of water had already frozen solid, and my tongue grew dryer. I tried to curl up, but the rags of green cloth that covered my body did not keep out the cold. Keys clicked and I looked up. A boy around my age, 18, slammed a bowl of cold slop on the floor. “Eat.” I smiled, my green eyes turning blue, then gold, then purple. For a minute I held him in my magical gaze, but he shook his head, releasing himself. “You can’t fool me Aoibheann Niamh, your eyes have no power over me,” he tried to hold himself still, but I could tell he was shaking in fright. I laughed, a laugh I had been told, would put bluebirds to shame. He quickly left, and locked the cell door. Men believed that eyes were magic, they weren’t. As I leaned down towards the bowl of milky white slop, my brown wavy hair fell away to reveal my pointy ears. I was an elf, and my eyes changed colors. They weren’t magical, it was just how I was born, and it scared the human race. Their king had captured me, believing that I, Aoibheann Niamh, or bright eyes, was the leader behind the War. It was laughable. That I, the illegitimate daughter of an elven blacksmith, would be the leader of the War. I looked back at the bowl of slop, and put my hands around it. The warmth had already left it, and a thin layer of ice was already beginning to form on the top. I brought the bowl to my nose, and breathed deeply. I sensed the essence of amaylis; the herb humans believed got rid of magic and put the consumer in a trance and state of ignorance and stupidity. I pulled myself into a corner of the cell and poured the slop down a hole in the floor, like numerous other times. I wrapped myself in my shawl as much as I could and tried to sleep.
When I woke up the torches had been lit that were braced to the wall of the corridor outside my cell, and my empty bowl was gone. I suddenly winced in pain as the scar on my upper arm throbbed. Elves. They were near. I looked up in time to see hooded men march past my cell. These were the men that had killed my father and captured me. The Hooded Guard, they were called. As they passed, one broke from the ranks and stole over to my cell. My eyes began to change color, and my scar throbbed stronger. “Aoibheann, come, now.” I smiled. “Eòghan.” He quickly and quietly broke the lock on my cell. Then he entered and broke the shackles on my ankles. He tossed me a black hooded cloak and we disguised ourselves as the Hooded Guard. I had little energy left, but we were able to make it out, unnoticed and alive. As we mounted his horse, I suddenly found myself in the golden woods of Crisosaidh, or Hall of the Elf.
“Stay strong my daughter.” I turned around. Father? But he was dead. As soon as he was there, he was gone disappearing in wisps of smoke.
“You served us well Aoibheann Niamh.” I turned around and saw the Queen. I fell to my knees, “Your majesty.” She extended her hand to me, her movements slow and dreamlike. “Rise and go in peace,” then she to disappeared in tendrils of smoke.
“Aoibheann,” I turned around again and there stood Eòghan. “Eòghan,” I said and ran towards him. He embraced me and whispered, “I love you.” I felt my self being pulled away from him by some unseen force. “No. Eòghan. Wait!” He extended his arm to me as I was being pulled away. Then like all the others, he vanished in strands of smoke. “No. Wait,” I cried. Something hit me in the face, and the golden woods of Crisosaidh disappeared.
“Get up.” Something kicked me and I looked up into the eyes of the Hooded Guard. My eyes began to change color in hatred, and for a moment they stood still, terrified by the beauty of my eyes. They quickly picked me up and dragged me out of my cell, my body limp and weak in their arms. As they led me outside, I caught a glimpse of my future through my still changing eyes. The executioner’s block. As they led me up the steps, the king began to mock me. “Finally Aoibheann Niamh, “he spit the words out like they were something rotten,” Finally the War will be over. I will be victorious as soon as your magical eyes cloud over.” I laughed, stunning the crowd. As they laid my head down on the block my eyes changed color for the last time.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dreadfully Busy

WOW.  There are a couple of reasons for that WOW.  First, its been nearly a week since my last post- OOPS!! Sorry people.  Furthermore, I basically did nothing but play Zelda today.  I am really really REALLY liking Twilight Princess.  It is Epic.  Finally, the biggest of the WOWs.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <---that pretty much sums it up, but I have more to say.  I am super excited, but it doesn't quite seem real.  I know two weeks isn't long, but I haven't even thought about packing (okay, I did a bit, but not really) and it seems like its months away still.  Its almost as if I know its coming but don't believe it and don't want to get my hopes up.  Only I DO believe in fairies...I mean that camp is coming.  Part of it could be that a lot is happening from now til then.  I have a youthgroup event on Wednesday, will hopefully be staying at Riverside on Friday night and helping work there on Saturday.  TJ graduates on Sunday, but hopefully I will NOT have to endure that.  Becca's graduation party is on Memorial Day (which is also Em and James's anniversary congrats woot woot etc).  Next Tuesday I'm going to a cookout bonfire thing.  Next Wednesday I have a YEAH! Board of Directors meeting.  Next Thursday I have a YEAH! event.  Next Saturday is TJ's graduation party/leaving for basic party.  Then I leave the day after that.  Yeah, I'd say I'm pretty busy. the next 13 days...I have 4 maybe 3 days I will not be doing anything.  Its okay though, I don't mind it.

With all that will be going on, good luck with getting a post out of me.  I will try, I really will.  But I'm not promising anything.  And in case this is my last before camp, I'm warning you that their internet isn't that best and I won't have much time, so you'll be lucky to get one blogpost a week.

Ahh I still can't believe theres only two weeks left.  Less than actually! Thirteen days.  The only downside is that it means only thirteen days to see Jack.  I am going to miss him.  A lot.  Sometimes, when I haven't been home all day, I start to miss him.  And thats after only eight hours.  I have to go approximately 1848 hours without seeing him.  Not sure I'll survive.  I will have Rusty though.  And Tank.  And Odie.  And all the people at camp of course.

{This is me failing at wrapping up the post with a good ending}

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bury Me In Satin

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a, bed of roses
Sink me in the river, at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

            Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother
            She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors,
            Life ain't always what you think it ought to be,
            Ain't even grey, but she buries her baby

                        The sharp knife of a short life, well
                         I've had, just enough time

And I'll be wearing white, when I come into your kingdom
I'm as green as the ring on my little, cold finger, I've
Never known the lovin' of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand

          There's a boy here in town who says he'll love me forever,
          Who would have thought forever could be severed by
          The sharp knife of a short life, well,
          I've had, just enough time
                        So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls
                        What I never did is done
A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell them for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I'm a goner
And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singin'
Funny when you're dead how people start listenin'
         If I die young, bury me in satin
         Lay me down on a, bed of roses
         Sink me in the river, at dawn
         Send me away with the words of a love song
                       The ballad of a dove, Go with peace and love
                       Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket
                       Save them for a time when you're really gonna need them
                                        The sharp knife of a short life, well
                                        I've had, just enough time
                                               So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls 

So, I really like this song.  Some people don't, and I'm okay with that.  I mostly like it because I like her voice, and its really poetic.  True, its poeticness is slightly morbid and I'm pretty sure its about suicide, but its poetic nonetheless.  Most songs now-a-days (yes, I said 'nowadays') lack that poeticness.  They're just about having a song with really awesome background music and words that rhyme.  Usually those words are something people can relate to, yes, but they are more focused on ryhming the words than the quality of the words.

So yeah.  I just thought I would share that with you.  Even if you disagree.  Because I don't really care if you offense.

To listen to and watch "If I Die Young" music video click here.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Who Let the Dogs Out?

So...I guess I should mention that I got a dog.  Before, I had two inside cats (old crabby Nala and gorgeous adorable Jack) and two outside cats (Lucy aka Ugly Betty even tho she is cute, and Kitty Kitty).  Dwight ran away :( and I think Kitty Kitty might have too, because I haven't seen her either.  Lucy also has three kittens.  Anyways, back to the dog.  His name is Koda, he's a Husky, kind of a redish brownish color.  I'll admit he's pretty cute, but then again Huskies are the only dogs I've ever liked.  He doesn't get along perfectly with the cats.  He chases Jack, because Jack runs.  He bugs Nala, but she hits him back and he leaves her alone.  And then theres Lucy.

I LOVE LUCY.  pun intended.  Not sure if thats exactly a pun, but I'm gonna call it that.  I used to be indifferent to her, but now I must say I appreciate her.  Whenever Koda decides he wants to go say hi to her, which is rare, she chases him and attacks him.  Its quite humourous to see a cat chasing a dog across the yard.  I understand she is protecting her kittens, and even if I feel a little bad for Koda, the hilarity outways all that.

Another plus of having Koda is that Jack is so terrified of him, that he practically lives in my room (Jack, not Koda.  Koda isn't allowed in my room, its Jack's safe place now).  And since I love Jack so much, I'm perfectly okay with it.  Although I did kick him out at 5:30 this morning because he was being really annoying and playing in the litterbox we gave him.  I don't think he's ever even used it, he just likes playing in it, like a little kid in a sandbox.  Or anyone in a sandbox, really.  I still love making sand castles.

Koda is slightly trained.  He is young still, so its not that big of a deal.  He just barks for half an hour if you put him in the kennel, and likes to chew on stuff like underwear.  He doesn't come very well, but he knows how to sit and we are teaching him to lay down.  We also found a cheap dog treat: Animal Crackers.  And its nice because you can feed them to the dog or eat them yourself.  It may be slightly cannibalistic on his part, but thats only if there is a dog in the animal crackers, and I don't think there is.

So yeah, just a little about our new dog.  Oh, and he's not really ours.  He's Emily and James' dog, but he lives in our house because they live in our house.  So I call him ours.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Blogpost Part One:

WAZZUPP??  Seriously though, what's up?  I wanna know whats up with YOU!!!!!! Are you still there? Have I bored you to death with boring posts you don't care about?

Blogpost Part Two:

Whats up with me?  Lets see.... we'll sort this by catergory:

1) My Blog.  I have added a feature called....well, I don't know what its called.  But its these cool little buttons you can have fun clicking, that say "funny" "didn't like" and "liked".  They are located at the bottom of posts, next to the share options.  Also, for future blogposts you should be seeing eventually:  I'm currently writing the story of my martian adventures.  And on my eighteenth birthday, which is in the summer of 2012, I have a post scheduled that I wrote recently but won't be able to read until then.  Its a letter to myself and you kinda.  So yeah, a little over a year but it'll be here eventually.

2) School.  I'm basically done with school.  I've finished my Physics, finally.  All I have now is Movies as Liturature, and I am on a netflix-oriented schedule for that so who knows when it'll be done.  I finished the rest of my school a while ago.

3) YEAH!  My homeschool group is playing LZRTAG for our next event and I am super excited!!!

4) Summer.   I will be leaving on June 5th for Lake Ellen!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYY!!!!! Can't wait for that!!

5) My Love Life.  Jack is still as cute as ever and there will never ever ever be a cat more adorable than him :)

Blogpost Part Three:

Any good blogs anyone has stumbled upon lately?  Have a blog I'm not subscribed to already? (see mine on the sidebar to the right)  I like reading blogs, its fun, but it seems like all of them out there are just about mothers rambling about how cute their three year old son is or snails or something.  Or good youtube channels.  or books you've read, I could use a good book.  I miss books that I stayed up until 4 AM because I couldn't put it down.

Blogpost Part Four:


Monday, May 9, 2011

A Poem Everyone Can Relate To

The Fart Poem.  Author unknown.

A fart can be quiet
A fart can be loud
Some leave powerful
Poisonous clouds

A fart can be short
Or a fart can be long
Some farts have been known
To sound just like a song

Some farts do not smell
While others are vile
A fart can pass quickly
Or linger awhile.

A fart can create
A most-curious medley
A fart can be harmless
Or silent, but deadly

A fart can occur
In a number of places
And leave everyone
With strange looks on their faces

From wide open prairies
To small elevators
A fart will find all of us
Sooner or later

So be not afraid
Of the invisible gas
For always remember
That farts too, shall pass

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Knights in Shining Armor

Dear Knights:

Where are you?  I understand why you've hidden away.  We maidens in distress, we have ridiculed and scoffed at you, not believed in you, and even turned you away.  In trying to prove ourselves, we have told you we don't need your help.  When you offer your assistance, we say we are strong enough and don't need your help.  We have grown blind, trying to strengthen ourselves against the foes that attack us and no longer recognize you as a friend.  We confuse you with others, saying you are all the same.

I know you are not.  I know that you are out there, waiting for a call of distress.  I understand that when you hold open the door and carry the heavy load, you are not saying you think we are weak, but that you want to help.  Inside, we are all dying for someone to save us, sometimes from ourselves.  We just want a noble, respectable gentleman to love us forever.  Other less noble men have tricked us into believing you don't exist, that there is a price we must pay for a little love.  Please come out of hiding, show us that you want to love us just because you love us, not as part of an evil scheme.  We are waiting, just as you are!


Lady in Distress

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Confessions of a teenage Ninja

Okay, this is going to be hard to admitt, but.... I kinda wanna be a.... *whispers*....pirate.  I know what you're thinking, you're thinking "But Bethy! (or Mer, or Marybeth, whatever you generally call me) But Bethy! You're a NINJA, you can't be a PIRATE!!"  And its true, ninjas and pirates have always been mortal enemies.  I mean... I don't always want to be a pirate... its like a third personality.  Or maybe just rebellionism.

Theres reason for it though.  Pirates have so much more fun.  They get to go all over the world in big ships and wear cool clothes and hats and its like a big party all the time.  They get to say "Aye Aye Cap'n!" and "Arrrrgh!" and "Matey!" and stuff.  It just seems like so much more FUUUUNNNN.

Yet, I'm a Ninja (In Training, still.  It takes a lot to become a Ninja).  I still want to be a ninja.  I get to sneak around and wear cool black clothes and be practically invisible.  I get to have awesome fighting movies and weapons.  But being a ninja is so serious.  They don't mess around.  EVER.  Always prepared, always on the ready, always expecting the unexpected, always working.  Its fun, but sometimes I wish I could sail away on a pirate ship.

Aaaahhhhhh!!!!! I don't know what to do.  Do I trust my instincts and continue my Ninja Training?  Do I choose the lasting, more skillfull, more challenging career?  Or do I rebel and turn Pirate?  Go have swashbuckling fun?  Or.....hmmm......well, I couldn't....or could I?  No, you'd never get away with it.  You never know, I might.  It is an option, isn't it?  Hmmm....I suppose.  What, no I can't.  Go on, say it.  But, if I was caught....oh alright.  What if...*whispers*....what if I did both??  Its not that entirely out of the question.  Pirate by day, ninja by night?  Secretly a pirate?  or a pirate could be my coverup for being a ninja. Hmm...I could accept the title of Pirate as my third personality........Hmmm.....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Yes, Sir. No, Sir. Three Bags Full, Sir.

Weird as it is, I am blogging in the MORNING.

For any who don't know, my older brother TJ is going to be a Marine and leaves for Basic Training in June.  Last night we went to a USMC Family Night in order to meet other Marine families, see what they are going to be doing, and have any questions answered.  First Staff Sergeant Rogers gave a nice speech, then all the Recruiters were introduced and told us a bit about themselves.  Then the DI's sent up about twelve Poolees for a small taste of what Basic is like, my brother was among these.  (DI is a Drill Instructor, Poolees are people like TJ who aren't haven't gone to Basic yet, but are enlisted or planning to once they are seventeen).  All twelve or however many there were looked fairly nervous and slightly terrified.  Some of them were merely doing running and sitting and standing.  Others messed up and had a DI screaming in their face, click here for an example.  (Video link does contain language).  After their demonstration, the Poolees had to sit, not moving, on the floor while the DI answered questions from parents about Basic.  At one point, a Poolee twitched his foot and the DI stopped his talking to go yell at the kid.

Afterwards, we all went to eat while the poolees stood behind the food tables and watched us get our food, then were allowed to eat after all the guests had eaten.  We were not allowed to clear our own empty plates, TJ had to clear ours (every poolee cleared their own guests dishes), and after some had left they all cleaned up.  I have never seen a room with that many tables and chairs become a clean space so fast before.  Apparently, when TJ comes back from Basic, they will have taught him how to make his bed, open the door for girls, and even how to "wear his pants on his waist instead of below his damn butt" as the DI said.

All in all, it was a very interesting experience.  I'm told that if I send him cookies or cake or something, he will get in trouble, so thats probably something I will be doing.

Monday, April 25, 2011

As promised, my next blogpost!

     "I look back on my childhood days, it's like looking through a foggy haze, but there's something still clear to me."
         ~Lonely Ninjas~

My sister, Emily, and I were just remembering the many hours we spent playing "hard animals" which if you don't know, are toy animals that are not stuffed animals.  Some were Breyer Horses, some were plastic horses, some were My Little Ponies, some were dinosaurs, and some were Legos-- all were very loved.  We still remember most of them by name, as well as the many adventures they went on.

John and Tina were two lego people (little kid legos, not like real legos) that came on a little yellow lego wagon from the horrible place of Whoknowswhere, also known as Icantrememberwheretheycamefrom.  Pulling their wagon was a horse, Dark Dakota, a dark brown lego-ish horse whose head could actually move up and down and stayed in whatever position you put it in because he was lost in the desert at one point (we left him in the sandbox once).  John wore a blue shirt, gray pants, and a black cowboy hat, and always drove the wagon.  His wife, Tina, wore a yellow shirt and red skirt, and always rode in the wagon.  Their oldest child, Tim, rode on Light Dakota, a light brown lego horse.  Their daughter Sally, who was four I believe, rode on the little calf on the back of the wagon.

The family came from Whoknowswhere, tired and weary.  They found an old rundown Treehouse near a large barn and wide open feilds and a mountain range.  They cleaned out the Treehouse and made it their home.  Somehow, they acquired many wild horses and other animals.  Some of the horses were far too small for them, and some far too big.  There were chickens and ducks and geese, and goats and cows and pigs.  There were cats and dogs and cheetahs and strange dinosaurs.

One family of horses consisted of (I think this is her) Pnemonia, a black mare with a broken back that had to be taped together, and her two twin foals, Black Beauty One and Black Beauty Two.  Both foals were identical, with the exception of one of them having a small blue mark on the bottom of his hoof.  Beauty 1 and Beauty 2 were the biggest troublemakers in the herd, often revolving around seeking the attention of two fillies.  One filly was Cookie Dough, a cute, slender appaloosa with black curly hair.  Sadly, she did not return the attention, but was in love with Billy, a gray, long horn dinosaur of some sort that slightly reminded us of a goat.  Cookie Dough went to visit him in the mountains quite often.  The other filly was Lightupheart, a gorgeous white pony with pink hair and a heart on her chubby rump that used to light up.  She was very stuck up though, and was no where near as gentle and nice and kind as Cookie Dough.

Another consistant character on the ranch was Big Red.  Big Red was old and wise, he was a very large horse with moving parts so he could rear, run, walk or whatever.  Sadly, he could never stand and generally his role was dying.  There was also Dingy, a dinosaur that looked like a lizard with a huge red sail on his back.  While frightening to look at, he was quite nice, and acted like a big scared puppy (I think he may have barked too) that never spoke but was always important in some way or other.

Many strange things happened on this ranch.  Often, a Flavorful Rain would come, making everything, even dirt, have flavor.  The purple roof of the treehouse tasted like grapes, the floor tasted like brown sugur, the pink flowers tasted like strawberries.  Melonie, the little yellow puppy, tasted like lemonade.  Tim's big white hat tasted like marshmallows, which often provoked Beauty 1 and Beauty 2 to steal it and eat it.

There were many adventures.  Another favorite was the great Flood.  The family of pioneers had to build boats and rafts for themselves and the horses, and the horses had to help save others.  Once or twice Tim and Tina got left behind.  Sometimes John and Tina and Tim would turn evil and lock up certain animals, and Sally would have to save them.  Sometimes horses would get kicked out of the herd.

I could go on and on, but not only do I not have time to tell all our adventures, you dont have time to read them all.  There were times when our hard animals sat out for days at a time because we hadn't finished our stories.  It often took nearly as long to set them all up as it did to play with them.  I hope I never forget those times.  Maybe sometime I'll tell you about our (Emily, TJ, and I) adventures in Hyrule as we took on the duty of being Link, Finn, and Lelly and battling Onox, raising Bippin and Blossom's kids, or meeting long lost relatives.  Let me know in the comments if thats something you're interested in, or if you think that idea is rubbish.  If you DO think its rubbish, I'll tell you right now, this is MY blog, not yours.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


So...I am sitting at my Second House, which is my cousin's house.  My brother and parents are here also.  It is Easter, so it makes sense to be at a family gathering right?  Only problem is that my cousins are not here, and we've been here for half an hour at least.  I think we are planning on leaving shortly, since its weird to be at their house without them.  The cats are here though, so they'll let them know I'm sure.

I know this has been short but I will be back within the next...36 hours because its been a while since I've posted.  And we are leaving now.  Happy Easter. Goodbye.  Adios.  See ya later.  / : )  robin hood says bye too.  Okay, I'm actually leaving now.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Once Upon A Time

The Fox and The Geese

The fox once came to a meadow in which was a flock of fine fat geese, at which he smiled and said, "I come in the nick of time, you are sitting together quite beautifully, so that I can eat you up one after the other."  {we must assume that this fox is very very large, or these geese are very very small.  One normal fox could not eat multiple normal geese} The geese cackled with terror, sprang up, and began to wail and beg piteously for their lives. {as apposed to running....or flying away...} But the fox would listen to nothing, and said, "There is no mercy to be had!  You must die."

At legnth one of them took heart and said, "If we poor geese are to give up our vigorous young lives, show us the only possible favor and allow us one more prayer, that we may not die in our sins, and then we will place ourselves in a row so that you can pick yourself out the fattest."  {I'm sure this geese was not the fattest, or he wouldn't have suggested fattest first...}

"Yes," said the fox, "that is reasonable, and a pious request.  Pray away, I will wait till you are done."  {At least he was reasonable about killing them}

Then the first began a good long prayer, forever saying, "Ga! Ga!" and as she would make no end, the second did not wait until her turn came, but began also, "Ga! Ga!" {Maybe this is where Lady Ga Ga got her name...}  The third and fourth followed her, and soon they were all cackling together.

When they have done praying, the story shall be continued further, but at present they are still praying without stopping.

Yes, that is a real actual story, a Fairy Tale to be precise.  From the Brothers Grimm.  I think its quite a cliffhanger, and can't wait until they finish praying, which I don't think will happen.  But if it does, I shall let you know as soon as it happens.

This as well as my other 300 ish fairy tales are something I find quite amusing.  Some are ones everyone knows (well, think they know) like Rapunzel, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and others like this, the Three Feathers, and The Poor Man and the Rich Man most do not know.  Some are quite scary and I would not recommend for children, as they are disturbing.  Maybe thats why they are the Brothers GRIMM, because they are grim tales.

On a less mystical note, its snowing like the dickens here.  April is nearly over, this should not be happening.  While snow is a nice thing in the winter, I don't like these random snowstorms.  You can't do anything but wish it was gone, since it will only last for a few days and won't be enough to snowmobile or snowboard.  GRAHHUMMPAHHH!!!!!!!!!! Yes, its THAT frustrating.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Catching Up.

So a lot has happened since Thursday April 7th.  As you can see from above this post, it is now Monday April 11th.  So I'll just give you a quick recap over the last four-ish days.

Friday was very busy and very fun.  I woke up at the absurd hour of 8:30 AM to go to Marshfield (i think it was there at least) to look at a cat with my sister Emily.  We ended up taking one-year-old Gizmo home.  He's whitish tannish orangish and very very fat.  He also has claws.  Naturally, Emily's cat Nala hated him because she hates every living creature with the exception of Emily and sometimes other people.  Then Jack met him, and also hated him, probably because he invaded his home.  OF COURSE, Gizmo hated both of them too.  Around one, my friend Megan came over.  We decided Gizmo does not look like he should be called Gizmo, and even though Emily has named him Hamlet, he is called Oswald because he looks like an Oswald.  I went to Megan's house and watched Tangled for the first time, although I missed the ending.  Very cute, very funny.  After Megan's house I went to Tami's house.  We walked to County Market..wait...Trig's.  After that, my mom picked us up and drove us to Waupaca for a Lock In, which was super super fun.  Ten hours and two Monsters later, we were crazy and hyper and over tired.

At this point I think it is important to mention that Tami gave me a super fantasticular awesome cool amazing epic BATMAN WALLET!!!!!!!! because as my previous post states, mine was stolen.  And Batman is my favorite.  Yeah I jad to say that.  Cuz its super awesome.

Saturday started out with zero sleep and then some more lack of sleep.  I was tired off an on all morning, but would always get a second wind (and third and fourth and fifth).  We went back to Tami's house and took a two or three hour nap, watched a movie, walked to Belts barefoot.  I got a Strawberry and Vanilla Twist which was delicious.  Then we headed back on a different road towards the YMCA for Teen Night.  On our way we passed Trivia Team Yaargh!! where a few friends were.  Oh wait, rewind.  Before we got there, this really weird random guy stopped us and asked where we were from and if we knew the area.  Thinking he was here or trivia and needed directions somewhere, I said yes we are from around here.  Then he went off on this super long boring "conversation" in which he informed us how he had always lived here and how stupid Point is and blah blah blah. Eventually, we said we were late and had to go, and when he kept talking we just walked away.  THEN we stopped by Yaargh!! and chatted for a few minutes with a scary old man who pet our hair and smelled us, and freaked Tami out because she didn't know who it was behind the mask (James, of course).  Quite hilarious.  Then we headed to Teen Night which was meh on the boring/fun scale.  Not exactly fun, but entertaining.  Its interesting to sit and observe all the people (People Watching is one of my favorite sports) caught up in their drama.  There was a couple wandering through the gym for a while, and the girl kept totally denying the guy.  Two groups of girls that were all mad at each other.  Then some kid almost punched another kid, but the other kid dogded it.  After Teen Night, TJ picked us up and we dropped Tami off then went to hang out at Trivia for a bit.  Went home at midnight.

Sunday I was forced from sleep and went to church.  I'll admit I pretty much slept through the entire service.  After church we went to Chili's for lunch as a family, then went to the Appelton Mall.  For the majority of the drive there, we listened to Irish music such as Flogging Molly.  At Appelton, I bought a grand totaly of one belt which is black with black and blue shiny studs on it.  Spent $10.  Mom and TJ bought more though, so it was still worth the trip.  We also did a lot of walking.  And People Watching.  Thats always fun.  On the way home there was a super epic thunderstorm, I love thunderstorms.  Thankfully we missed the tornados in Appelton though.  When we finally arrived home, Emily and James had gotten stuck in the driveway with their car so it was blocking our way.  We parked across the road on the logging road area thingerbob and had to walk.  Then we put on rubber boots and helped push them from the ditch and I got sprayed with a bunch of mud.  I like mud, but not all over me.  Finally actually got home, not just on the property, and went to bed.

MONDAY (thats today!)
Today I slept until 10:30 AM which was nice.  Then got up and had some crackers for breakfast.  Then basically we decided to all be bums and play video games all day.  I played Ocarina of Time on the bigscreen, James brought their TV into the family room (aka tj's bedroom aka game room) and played some war game that looks boring (Black Ops, maybe?) and Emily played the Gameboy.  I am not stuck in the Forest Temple so I quit for the day and decided to eat and come on here and check my facebook and watch some Nerimon videos and write this blogpost.  So now we're up to date on everything.  Lovely.  It was nice not seeing you, hope you are having a marvelous day.  Goodbye.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

the awesomeness of rainbow (now lost)

They say you can tell a lot about a woman by looking at the contents of her purse.  This may or may not be true, because while many women keep similar things in their purse all women are not the same, but some of us keep very unique things in their purse.  In my purse, I have the usual random coinage, old receipts, etc, as well as some other less common items.  Like a Gameboy Advance with Spyro Season of Fire and Season of Ice, and The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons.  If you haven't realized is before now, I am a total nerd and love nerd stuff like that.  The reason I carry that is because honestly, you never know when you're gonna be sitting around bored somewhere, wether its in the car stopped at a train or you're at a 'party' and it gets a little dull.

Another oddity I carry is taco sauce.  No, not a whole bottle, altho thats not a half bad idea.  I carry the little packets of delicious amazingness from Taco Bell, because if you ask for it in the drive thru they always give you like twelve packs and honestly, even I don't need that much.  Sometimes I just eat it straight out of the packet, but usually I save it for special occasions, like french fries.  I also have it in case I ever have the misfortune of being forced to go to Taco Johns (Bleh!!!) which is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING and I hate eating there.  The only good thing there is their Potato Olays which you have to admitt aren't all they're cracked up to be.  So yeah, I carry Taco Sauce.  Weird, but whatever.

Normally, I carry a knife (or two) as well.  Generally in the form of my Leatherman (for those of you who don't know what that is, click here).  All of last summer, I wore it on my belt but I don't need it as often anymore because I'm not at the barn anymore.  Although this summer I am going to start being able to wear it YAYYY because I'm going back to always being at the barn YAYY!!!!  Funny Story:  Last summer, while on staff at Lake Ellen, whenever someone needed a knife they would just come to the wrangler table (table full of girls) to ask for one and we would all get one out.  You would think they'd ask, say, the maintenence boys? Nope, the horse girls.  Maybe not so funny, but hey I'm not here to entertain you.

Also, I generally carry a wallet.  Today? Not so much.  I left my purse in Eagle River and some horrible person said "Hey, I found a purse, lets see whats in it.  Oh look, A really awesome shiny rainbow wallet with some poor girl's temporary liscense and $100 and library card and Maurices Take Ten card.  OMG I HAVE AN IDEA!!!! Lets STEAL IT!!! HAHAHA THIS IS GREAT!! I'm sure she won't mind.  They didn't even have the decency to leave my awesome rainbow wallet.  Worthless scum.

At least I got my Gameboy and taco sauce and mp3 and sweet shiny reflective blue sunglasses back I guess.  Maybe that person will send me a birthday card or something since they have my name and address and birthday and hair color and weight and height and eye color and driver ID.  I doubt it though.  Hope they spend my money on something worth while, or give it to some poor helpless person.  Doubt that too, they'll probably walk into some dumb clothing store like Hollister with my awesome shiny rainbow wallet and pull out my hundred dollars and buy something stupid.  Oh well I guess.  Life goes on. You know, at least they had good taste and recognized awesomeness when they saw it. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

This is Home


Actually, I'm not home.  I just got back from visiting  home. Home is where the heart is, right? Well I'm pretty sure I left mine at Lake Ellen last summer.  As most people know, I worked there for the summer of 2010 and am going back this summer for which I am SUPER SUPER EXCITED FOR!!!!!!!! Oh, and for all people who read this from camp, you should spam my cousin Becca's blog and let her know how super awesome camp is so she'll come work there with me.

So anyways, I just got back from camp because I convinced my aunt to come to the Scrapbooking Retreat this weekend (I'm pretty sure she liked it, she wants to go to the one in the Fall) and my cousin Becca to do dishes with me.  As everyone was being totally insane and scrapbooking all day everyday, it was different that my usual camp trips.  Their schedule was basically:

8:30 breakfast
9:00 scrapbook
12:00 lunch
12:30 scrapbook
6:30 dinner
7:00 scrapbook
12 midnight :maybe go to bed, maybe stay up and scrapbook some more

INSANE RIGHT??? Oh and there were always some snacks out.  We tried to go for a trail ride with Rusty Diamond and Takota, but Rusty kept panicing and freaking out like "AHHHH WHAT IS ALL THIS MUD?!?!?!" and we had to turn around after a few minutes.  He also made Diamond nervous and jumpy.  That was on Friday.  On Saturday, we went out with Odie, Diamond, and Dolly and went on a different trail and everyone was fine unti lwe got back and the other ten horses started running around and getting excited.  That got our horses excited, but it wasn't anything too hard to handle, so we survived.

Next summer, in a few months (Ahh!!!!! only a few months!!!!) I think we need a bunny named Spoons in the petting zoo.  And another cow, because I like cows.  Okay, I need to stop because I am going to watch some of the Truth Project tonight with Andy, Wendy, Becca, Cana, Billie, and Phillip.  And all the wonderful cats of course. Maybe I'll tell you about it, maybe I won't.  we'll see.

P.S.  so I just titled this "this is home" and remember that at one point I heard Switchfoot's "This is Home" song and for the longerst time I thought when it says 'back to how it was' it was saying 'back to Hollywood' which it doesn't say......yeah.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Being an unsocialized homeschooler with no friends, one of the extracurricular activities I participate in is called YEAH! [Youth Educated At Home].  We are a group of thirty or more high school age homeschoolers that get together once a month just to hang out.  Sometimes we have an organized activity day such as Lazer Tag, Bowling, Roller Skating, etc.  Other times we just go hang out at someone's house.  either way, its pretty awesome.  If you are homeschooled and are reading this, and don't know about YEAH! please feel free to ask me about it.

Not only do I attend these events, I am on the Board of Directors.  We meet the first Wednesday of every month, usually at Starbucks (we might change locations to Politos though), to discuss and plan.  Generally, our meetings start of with consulting the dream book.  I know this sounds weird, but we all have very strange dreams and there is this funny book that tells you what your dreams mean.  Now, personally, I don't believe that if you have a dream with the devil in it, its really about your spouse, but whatever.  Its still very fun.  During our meetings, also known as Tea Parties, we review previous events, our finanial situation, and what we are planning for the next event.

The nice, leadershiply thing (I'm VP of the group) to say would be that we couldn't have our group without all the wonderful people of YEAH! but personally, I think we could have meetings without the group.  If the group had to stop meeting for some reason, we'd probably still have our Board of Directors Tea Parties because they are really awesome and fun.  One of my duties at events is anouncements and game planning.  Basically, I make announcements and plan games (bet you didn't guess that!).  Once I got asked if I had started the whole group, which I didn't take claim for because that wouldn't be true.

So yeah, thats just a little bit about YEAH! don't you agree that name is confusing?? Sometimes conversations go like this:

Bob:  "Do we have anything planned for Friday night?"
Sally: "Yeah."
Bob: "What do we have planned?"
Sally: "Yeah."
Bob: "No, but WHAT do we have planned?"
sally: "I told you Yeah"
Bob: "and i asked WHAT not IF"
Sally: "YEAH"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY CANA (its not her bday yet)

So right now, it is 11 pm, and I am at my cousin's house, having an EPIC DANCE PARTY!!!!! The amazing, fantasticular Tami Waterson came to this party (I know right, a famous person at this party, AWESOME!!!) and GUESS WHAT!!!!!! ("what?!") SHE IS HELPING ME WRITE A BLOG ("Yayyyy!!!!").  She also attempted to teach me some dance moves because you know, she is famous.  And all famous people can dance and sing. I am not famous.  People from the disney channel can't dance or sing either.  They are fake.  Especially Zac Efron because.....he is ugly and can't dance and sing because he is dating another fake person named Vanessla Hutchersonface.

Also I have beautiful hair tonight, Becca curled it for me because I was scared to.  OMG PEOPLE ARE STRIPPING.  hahahahaha not entirely, just mostly but its just girls and we are all clothed don't worry, its ok.  Don't worry Be Happy now, woo-oooOOOOooooOOOOoooWOOooOoooWOooOOooo don't worry be happy now.  Ugh what are we listening to??? Ewwww is this Justin Bieber??? I thought this was like Taylor Swift or some other girl...hmmm guess not.  I wonder if he smells like a girl too? hmmm.

Back to hair.  I am too scared to curl my own hair because I would mess up or burn my face off. Which would hurt lots.  I WANT A PET CHICKEN.  But I would be scared of them.  They attack my feet.  oh no Tami don't cry, its ok!  The dark isn't so bad!!!! SHHHHH.  Becca turn the light on! NOW! She didn't, sorry guys.

Okay, if you guys who are reading it made it this far and understood what was going must have been here.  Maybe you were here and still don't.  Maybe you weren't here and understood and are really awesome.  YOU ROCK!!!!  Hope I didn't scare anyone away.  I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! YOU"RE SO PRETTY! I like your shirt, and I wish I had your shoes.  Also, I like your shiny toes. TOES! hehehehehe.  Okay, thanks for your patience with me and the famous Tami Waterson!!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Peaches and Cream

Today has just been "one of those days."  It's been tiresome and a bit stressed.  I'm so sick of drama.  I'm so tired of people being mad at me for stupid reasons or being mad and not telling me why or mad at me for something that isn't my fault.  I'm tired of people getting worked up over nothing and acting like my life is all peaches and cream (haha inside joke moment, sorry), and that I don't have problems and their little issues are so horrible.  I hate being accused of things just because someone doesn't know me as well as they think.

Sometimes I wonder if people look at me and think "wow, her life is great, she doesn't have any problems." I have problems just like you and everyone else, I just don't make a huge deal about it and get mad at everyone for it.  I'm not some shallow ditzy blonde that has to go crying to her friends because someone said something and I was offended.  My friends probably know this better than most, but I rarely go crying to anyone (very very rarely, close to never).  And I'm not gonna sit here and say "you can think whatever you want about me" because you can't, I'm not gonna let you think I'm something I'm not.

Speaking of what I am and am not, I've always wondered what people do think of me, especially today.  I know I can ask you to tell me what you think of me, but if anyone answered they would say all these great things and be nice, and if I had bad qualities they didn't like they wouldn't be honest.  So for any honest people, feel free to point out what you don't like about me.  but really.  Do people really think I'm someone who would go running and tell everyone their secrets and I can't keep my mouth shut and have no respect for what is and isn't mine to share?  or that all I do is sit and talk $%!# about people with my little group of friends?  I'll admitt, I'm not perfect, there are times when I might gossip a little, but can you honestly say you never have? I'm not proud of it, and i'm not trying to shurg the blame.  If you think I sit and talk about you, please please ask me and I will answer you trutfully.  Generally, if I talk about someone its because I'm having conflict with that person and just need someone to talk to so I can think through it with another opinion.

Some people just make me want to shake my head because I feel sorry that they don't understand how to communicate.  What good is it to sit and be mad at someone?! UGH JUST TALK TO THEM!!!! Most of the time, if you get their side of the story and try to see what it was really like, you find you don't have much to be mad about.  And if they are at fault, let them apologize.  Sure, you can still be cautious about trusting them and maybe not be so buddy buddy or whatever, but at least forgive them and don't sit and be mad and never talk to them again.  Trust me, its not the end of the world that they did something or said something.  They probably weren't trying to hurt you, even if they did.

**Deep Breath** Okay.  I'm done raving.  It actually is nice to have this written down, telling you all this.  People used to tell me when they were having problems.  Sometimes people I never talked to came to me for advice.  I miss that.  I miss helping people.  As far as I know they didn't stop because I went and talked about them or told all their secrets (no one ever really told me secrets, they rarely use names or anything).  They probably stopped because things got better.  Or they found someone else.  People like to do that to me, find someone else I mean.  Probably one of the reasons I don't run to people, they've stopped running to me.  Everyone has someone else.  Except for God, of course.  Unfortunately, thats one of my problems too.  I stop running to him alot.  A lot of people go through bad stuff and think "where is God?".  I usually find myself thinking "Where have I been?". 

This is a legnthy post, so I'm gonna finish writing now.  If you want to tell me what you don't like about me, please, I'd love to know and I won't hate you for it.  If you want to tell me about any crap you're going through, please, I'd love to help.  If you know any REALLY REALLY funny jokes, videos, stories, whatever, please, I could use a good laugh.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Random Ramblings

Hey y'all. I just wanted to say "y'all".  I didn't post yesterday, but thats okay because I never commited to posting every day.  Just found out that some cats really like bubbles! I like bubbles, bubbles are great.  I also end of eating them sometimes [they taste like soap].

So it was super sunny out today.  I like it when its sunny, plus I watched a homevideo shot in Florida [nicely done Becca] which kinda makes me miss the sun, and summer and all things warm.  Maybe I'll go in the hottub tonight, I think that sounds great.  Random thought!!!! I got tortured today! Haley gives the scariest ever back massages! EVEN BETTER RANDOM THOUGHT I GOT TO PLAY SONIC R TODAY!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!! yeah, I'm a nerd, its okay.  No, its not okay, its AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

My mind is wandering today, it does that alot.  I get on one thought and BAM I think of something else.  You probably don't care, but I just got super hungry all of a sudden.  I don't know why I'm so mentally hyperactive today, but its kinda fun. I'm thinking of playing Just Dance 2 but maybe not we'll see. AHHHH BUBBLES!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I'm gonna go now. See ya later, Alligator! haha

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Superhero Thursday

Well, I sold my horse.  And guess who it was to? THE SAME LADY WHO PAYED ME BUT THEN COULDN"T TAKE HIM AND NOW CAN ARUGHAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So I had to call like three people and tell them he was no longer available.  Actually, I only called one, I emailed the others.  I hate talking on the phone, so I didn't like it.  Hopefully, he'll be leaving April 2nd.

Also, today is Thursday.  HAPPY SUPERHERO THURSDAY EVERYONE!!!!!!  Every Thursday, I wear a superhero shirt, a tradition I started at Lake Ellen last summer.  I've missed it only three times...including today (oops....), but its only because I forget its Thursday.  I lose track of days a lot, especially with there not being youthgroup this week, because I usually just remember that if I have youthgroup, I wear a superhero shirt the next day.  I'm gonna make up for it and wear my batman boxers tonight I think.

As it is Thursday, that means tomorrow is Friday! I'm having a Halo Party tomorrow, which is weird because I'm a girl.  Even weirder yet, its my and my mom's party, so not only am I a girl that plays Halo, so does my mother.   I'm mildly excited for it :)

I went to Tami's birthday party last night, which was fun, but I only got 2 hours of sleep because I think four other people in the room snored.  Snoring stresses me out, so even when its quiet, I'm stressed out from it and can't sleep.  Quite annoying.  But oh well, I guess, just means I had to take a nap today.

Hmmmmmm I think thats all for today.  Adios Amigos.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Puddle Jumping

Last night, while chatting with Cana and trying to share my last post on facebook (yes, I'm a multitasker, I know, its amazing), the power went out.  Its been a while since thats happened, and as I had a headache I decided just to go to bed [sorry for randomly leaving, cana!].  Last night, I went to sleep to flashing lighting and rolling thunder, which I quite enjoyed, and this morning I woke to a blizzard.  How often does that happen?!

I love thunderstorms.  Thunderstorms are exciting and put a bit of thrill in an average day.  I've been enjoying the snow all winter and want it to stay because I love snowmobiling and snowboarding, but last night reminded me how much I miss the rain.  More importantly, I miss puddle jumping.  Theres a bit of childish excitement you get from putting on rainboots and jumping in a big puddle of muddy water. As kids, we used to walk along our rather long driveway and see how close we could get to overflowing our knee-high rubber boots.  Sometimes we even would walk around our nasty leech-infested pond doing this.  It often resulted in very wet children.

Thats one of the fun things about living next to a marsh, I guess.  It also results in many adventures, such as traveling through the Swamp of Sadness with Atrayu, or through the Dead Marshes with Frodo, or Spools Swamp with Link.  Naturally, we've outgrown those games (for the most part...), but they were great fun!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Letters to Mom

Earlier today, my mother decided to clean out her closet.  Among going through old clothes and things, she found a basket filled with random little notes and letters from Me and Emily to her and Dad.  There were the usual "I love you mom" and "Happy mothers day" notes, and how they were the best parents in the world.  There was also a note from me, which she let me read.

It was about two pages long.  As soon as she gave it to me, the words I HATE MY FAMILY popped out, as they were written rather darkly.  Laughing, I read the note.  Basically, it told them of how because they weren't letting me take one of the FCE (Family Consumer Ed) I wanted to take.  Apparently, my eigth grade, thirteen year old self thought that we didn't have a good enough family to know what one was like.  I also mentioned that they didn't like my "only friend" and she was the only person that cared about me.

All of my accusations were, of course, false. The person I said was my "best friend" is someone I recall not even really liking, but hung out with because my other friends hung out with her.  My family does and did care about me, and I really doubt FCE could teach anything about what being a family is.  But I'm glad I wrote the note, because it was a great laugh!

Later today, Emily and James came over.  We played some Mario Kart, which I was winning until TJ so kindly joined and then the stupid spiked blue turtle shell became my constant downfall.  Also, it snowed YAY!!!! which unfortunately turned to sleet.  I am quite enjoying the thunder and lighting right now though.  I miss thunderstorms.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Horse Shoes and Hand Grenades

So for the past few months, I've been attempting to sell my horse, Buddy.  Its not that I don't love him, or he isn't good enough for me, but I never ride him because I'm at camp all summer, and honestly, I could use some extra pocket change.  About a month ago, I had someone come and look at him, after finding him on a website that I posted this ad on.  She really liked him but couldn't afford him right away, so declined.  After not selling him for a few weeks, I decided to call her again and offer her the option of putting a downpayment on him.  She came back for a second look and gave me $200.

Great right? Horse ALMOST sold, awesome.  But ALMOST only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.  Few weeks later she emails me telling me she is not going to be able to come up with the remaining $200.  Thankfully, she agreed to letting me keep the first 200 as it was a down payment [plus...I already spent it].

So here I sit with a not even almost sold horse.  Within a day of reposting my ad, I get two new emails, as well as someone who had previously been interested.  One of those three is a lady named Karla S. who is very interested in him.  Tonight, while going through  some documents (coggins, registration papers, etc.), I notice a Bill of Sale from a Karla S. [I know her full name, but I'm not gonna put it on here just cuz] to a John Somebodyorother.

CRAZY COINCIDENCE?!?!?!?! I think so! I don't know yet if she's the same one, but I sent her an email asking if she lived or previously lived at the address of 983- just kidding, I'm not giving you the address.  Those are just random numbers.  I guess we'll see if its her or not, but I hope it is!  It would be so so awesome if one of his previous owners bought him back!

Thats all for now.  Just wanted to share that with some people.  I'd also like to share the fact that I AM AWESOME with you with this link.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

life starts NOW.

WHOAH.  Yep.  I have started a blog.  At this point, I'm sure no one is reading this.  Maybe someday someone will start and they will come back to read this.  My very first post.  Should I take a pic and document the occasion? Nah.  But clearly, you are reading this, so thanks!  Nice to see you!  I don't even know where to start with a blog.  Hi, my name is Marybeth, I like the color green, blah blah blah.  I'm sure at some point I'll get around to all that.  I honestly don't know what to tell you.  The only thing that stands out to me is that I'm listening to the Beatles (Act Naturally).  Irrelevant, but so is life.  I am going to go customize my sweet fantasticular new blog now, so see you soon!