Friday, October 21, 2011


So I'm leaving shortly to go to this Pie Social thing.  Basically, all the students are supposed to bring a homemade pie for a pie contest.  The contest is just bribing people to bring pie, because then we have more pie and pie is awesome.  My delema?  I cheated.  Yes, I have to confess it.  I can't go on living knowing that I cheated and didn't tell anyone.  I bought pie crust in a tin container thing.  I bought pumpkin pie filling.  This is definately cheating.  I have not met expectations.  What I should have done is found out how to make the crust, and how to make the filling.  I should have carved a pumpkin and gutted it, and made my own filling.  But I have not done this, and I have failed.  Hopefully I won't fail in my other requirements.  Along with the pie, I have to bring Rope, Metallic Markers, Whipped Cream in a can (aka SCHHHHHHH), and glowsticks.  If I bring enough of these, will my failure to make a pie entirely from scratch be overlooked??

Saturday, October 1, 2011

First time for everything...

For the first time in forever (I'm pretty sure its forever...I don't remember this happening ever before), I have sat down and clicked "New Post" and not known what to write.  I just stared at the blank screen, not writing.  I think the reason I wanted to write is because I've been wanting to write in my story, which is three hundred miles away at home, on my computer.  I'm at camp, pausing between dishes to sit on here.  I've been wishing I had brought a notebook all weekend.  Maybe its a writer thing, but I feel lost without a notebook.  I just have these thoughts and I want to write them down so I won't forget to put them into story format later, but there isn't a blank notebook in sight!  It's rather frustrating.  And since I don't know what to write, I suppose this can be one of those blogs that is just talkign about whats happened.
I nearly had to get up in the middle of the night and take a shift walking a collicking horse last night, but she pooped (thats a good thing!) so we thought she was going to be alright and our shift wasn't necessary.  This morning, however, she turned out to not be alright and the vet is coming out to look at her.  She is in clear pain, which is sad.  At the same time, we had to say goodbye to Diamond (and hello to a new horse!!) who has been at camp since the ranch first started.  Now Odie is the last horse of the original eight.  New horse seems very calm, and while his name is Walter, we aren't sure how we feel about that.
Okay, I suppose I have satisfied a small part of my writing urge, even though I don't know what to write, and still wish I had a notebook!