Friday, April 5, 2013


(This is from my phone so bear with me on the punctuation and such)

I hate food stamps. Many people agree, many people do think that is horrible of me. I have a few reasons for my claims:

1). Many people on ebt (food stamps) are very ungrateful. They recieve this food absolutely free, but constantly complain about not getting enough. As a cashier, I have witnessed many people get upset when their EBT does not cover the costs.

2). The people on food stamps do not always need it. More often then not, they purchase many extra items in the same purchase- dvds, games, tobacco, etc. If you can afford a Wii (or iphone or smoking), the government should not be buying your food.

3). They do not spend it wisely. If you are struggling to feed your family, you should be buying bread, eggs, milk, and ramen- NOT steaks and popscicles and candy.  I have even had customers not be able to afford the bill and then when i suggest removing some of the junk food and snacks they choose to remove items like bread or eggs.

4). The point of coming to or living in a 'free' country is not to get everything for free. In the long run, someone (cough, taxpayers) ends up paying for it, unless you enjoy contributing to our national debt

Now, you may argue that yes, most people abuse this system, but what about the people who truly cannot work and have no one and need this income or they truly will starve?  I say that EBT become more like the WIC program, only buying certain items such as bread, milk, eggs, cereal, fruit, etc.  require drug tests- if we have to pass a drug test to pay for our food, why not to get it for free? If you are on it merely because unemployment, have a requirement of job applications that need to be filled out.

I think it is time people learned that if you sacrifice your fancy phone bill or your designer jeans, you can afford to eat. Learn your priorities, and dont take something just because you can.

Obviously, this is something I feel strongly about. Feel free to comment