Thursday, April 28, 2011

Confessions of a teenage Ninja

Okay, this is going to be hard to admitt, but.... I kinda wanna be a.... *whispers*....pirate.  I know what you're thinking, you're thinking "But Bethy! (or Mer, or Marybeth, whatever you generally call me) But Bethy! You're a NINJA, you can't be a PIRATE!!"  And its true, ninjas and pirates have always been mortal enemies.  I mean... I don't always want to be a pirate... its like a third personality.  Or maybe just rebellionism.

Theres reason for it though.  Pirates have so much more fun.  They get to go all over the world in big ships and wear cool clothes and hats and its like a big party all the time.  They get to say "Aye Aye Cap'n!" and "Arrrrgh!" and "Matey!" and stuff.  It just seems like so much more FUUUUNNNN.

Yet, I'm a Ninja (In Training, still.  It takes a lot to become a Ninja).  I still want to be a ninja.  I get to sneak around and wear cool black clothes and be practically invisible.  I get to have awesome fighting movies and weapons.  But being a ninja is so serious.  They don't mess around.  EVER.  Always prepared, always on the ready, always expecting the unexpected, always working.  Its fun, but sometimes I wish I could sail away on a pirate ship.

Aaaahhhhhh!!!!! I don't know what to do.  Do I trust my instincts and continue my Ninja Training?  Do I choose the lasting, more skillfull, more challenging career?  Or do I rebel and turn Pirate?  Go have swashbuckling fun?  Or.....hmmm......well, I couldn't....or could I?  No, you'd never get away with it.  You never know, I might.  It is an option, isn't it?  Hmmm....I suppose.  What, no I can't.  Go on, say it.  But, if I was caught....oh alright.  What if...*whispers*....what if I did both??  Its not that entirely out of the question.  Pirate by day, ninja by night?  Secretly a pirate?  or a pirate could be my coverup for being a ninja. Hmm...I could accept the title of Pirate as my third personality........Hmmm.....


  1. I support this decision whole-heartedly. Even though I was shocked when I first started reading this, super surprised that you would ever turn from your ninja ways, I completely understand and agree. So even if no one else backs you up, I gotchu.

  2. Thanks Sarah :) Its a relief to know someone understands!
