Monday, April 25, 2011

As promised, my next blogpost!

     "I look back on my childhood days, it's like looking through a foggy haze, but there's something still clear to me."
         ~Lonely Ninjas~

My sister, Emily, and I were just remembering the many hours we spent playing "hard animals" which if you don't know, are toy animals that are not stuffed animals.  Some were Breyer Horses, some were plastic horses, some were My Little Ponies, some were dinosaurs, and some were Legos-- all were very loved.  We still remember most of them by name, as well as the many adventures they went on.

John and Tina were two lego people (little kid legos, not like real legos) that came on a little yellow lego wagon from the horrible place of Whoknowswhere, also known as Icantrememberwheretheycamefrom.  Pulling their wagon was a horse, Dark Dakota, a dark brown lego-ish horse whose head could actually move up and down and stayed in whatever position you put it in because he was lost in the desert at one point (we left him in the sandbox once).  John wore a blue shirt, gray pants, and a black cowboy hat, and always drove the wagon.  His wife, Tina, wore a yellow shirt and red skirt, and always rode in the wagon.  Their oldest child, Tim, rode on Light Dakota, a light brown lego horse.  Their daughter Sally, who was four I believe, rode on the little calf on the back of the wagon.

The family came from Whoknowswhere, tired and weary.  They found an old rundown Treehouse near a large barn and wide open feilds and a mountain range.  They cleaned out the Treehouse and made it their home.  Somehow, they acquired many wild horses and other animals.  Some of the horses were far too small for them, and some far too big.  There were chickens and ducks and geese, and goats and cows and pigs.  There were cats and dogs and cheetahs and strange dinosaurs.

One family of horses consisted of (I think this is her) Pnemonia, a black mare with a broken back that had to be taped together, and her two twin foals, Black Beauty One and Black Beauty Two.  Both foals were identical, with the exception of one of them having a small blue mark on the bottom of his hoof.  Beauty 1 and Beauty 2 were the biggest troublemakers in the herd, often revolving around seeking the attention of two fillies.  One filly was Cookie Dough, a cute, slender appaloosa with black curly hair.  Sadly, she did not return the attention, but was in love with Billy, a gray, long horn dinosaur of some sort that slightly reminded us of a goat.  Cookie Dough went to visit him in the mountains quite often.  The other filly was Lightupheart, a gorgeous white pony with pink hair and a heart on her chubby rump that used to light up.  She was very stuck up though, and was no where near as gentle and nice and kind as Cookie Dough.

Another consistant character on the ranch was Big Red.  Big Red was old and wise, he was a very large horse with moving parts so he could rear, run, walk or whatever.  Sadly, he could never stand and generally his role was dying.  There was also Dingy, a dinosaur that looked like a lizard with a huge red sail on his back.  While frightening to look at, he was quite nice, and acted like a big scared puppy (I think he may have barked too) that never spoke but was always important in some way or other.

Many strange things happened on this ranch.  Often, a Flavorful Rain would come, making everything, even dirt, have flavor.  The purple roof of the treehouse tasted like grapes, the floor tasted like brown sugur, the pink flowers tasted like strawberries.  Melonie, the little yellow puppy, tasted like lemonade.  Tim's big white hat tasted like marshmallows, which often provoked Beauty 1 and Beauty 2 to steal it and eat it.

There were many adventures.  Another favorite was the great Flood.  The family of pioneers had to build boats and rafts for themselves and the horses, and the horses had to help save others.  Once or twice Tim and Tina got left behind.  Sometimes John and Tina and Tim would turn evil and lock up certain animals, and Sally would have to save them.  Sometimes horses would get kicked out of the herd.

I could go on and on, but not only do I not have time to tell all our adventures, you dont have time to read them all.  There were times when our hard animals sat out for days at a time because we hadn't finished our stories.  It often took nearly as long to set them all up as it did to play with them.  I hope I never forget those times.  Maybe sometime I'll tell you about our (Emily, TJ, and I) adventures in Hyrule as we took on the duty of being Link, Finn, and Lelly and battling Onox, raising Bippin and Blossom's kids, or meeting long lost relatives.  Let me know in the comments if thats something you're interested in, or if you think that idea is rubbish.  If you DO think its rubbish, I'll tell you right now, this is MY blog, not yours.


  1. You just brought back sooo many memories, Bethy! I believe you when you said it would take a long time to give all the adventures...I remember Haley and I played so much that we would come up with 10 different scenarios per week! I mean we'd redo some of the stories sometimes, but they always end up changing anyways. That's about 520 stories per year!

    Anyways, if you have time, I'd really like to hear these Hyrule Adventures you speak of. I think I've only had a few of those with you guys.

    Very creative post! It made me laugh and have flashbacks of my own :)

  2. haha I will definately do post about my Adventures in Hyrule. Alough, I finished my Master Quest... I'm not sure what to do with myself now that my Quest to save the world from destruction and chaos is over!

    I will also write about Adventures in Marz!! I should start a whole knew blog just for adventures lol
