Tuesday, March 29, 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY CANA (its not her bday yet)

So right now, it is 11 pm, and I am at my cousin's house, having an EPIC DANCE PARTY!!!!! The amazing, fantasticular Tami Waterson came to this party (I know right, a famous person at this party, AWESOME!!!) and GUESS WHAT!!!!!! ("what?!") SHE IS HELPING ME WRITE A BLOG ("Yayyyy!!!!").  She also attempted to teach me some dance moves because you know, she is famous.  And all famous people can dance and sing. I am not famous.  People from the disney channel can't dance or sing either.  They are fake.  Especially Zac Efron because.....he is ugly and can't dance and sing because he is dating another fake person named Vanessla Hutchersonface.

Also I have beautiful hair tonight, Becca curled it for me because I was scared to.  OMG PEOPLE ARE STRIPPING.  hahahahaha not entirely, just mostly but its just girls and we are all clothed don't worry, its ok.  Don't worry Be Happy now, woo-oooOOOOooooOOOOoooWOOooOoooWOooOOooo don't worry be happy now.  Ugh what are we listening to??? Ewwww is this Justin Bieber??? I thought this was like Taylor Swift or some other girl...hmmm guess not.  I wonder if he smells like a girl too? hmmm.

Back to hair.  I am too scared to curl my own hair because I would mess up or burn my face off. Which would hurt lots.  I WANT A PET CHICKEN.  But I would be scared of them.  They attack my feet.  oh no Tami don't cry, its ok!  The dark isn't so bad!!!! SHHHHH.  Becca turn the light on! NOW! She didn't, sorry guys.

Okay, if you guys who are reading it made it this far and understood what was going on....you must have been here.  Maybe you were here and still don't.  Maybe you weren't here and understood and are really awesome.  YOU ROCK!!!!  Hope I didn't scare anyone away.  I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! YOU"RE SO PRETTY! I like your shirt, and I wish I had your shoes.  Also, I like your shiny toes. TOES! hehehehehe.  Okay, thanks for your patience with me and the famous Tami Waterson!!!!!


  1. just for the record, you do NOT want a pet chicken. they are not fun and they don't respect personal space boundaries.

  2. haha that was a fun party, wasn't it
